Friday, November 30, 2012

Father's Day at LAMCA (2004)

I got to choose what I wanted to do on this Father's Day in 2004 -- so naturally, I picked to go to LACMA.  The kids were in this silly phase of making faces for every photograph I asked to take as seen in the top two pics.  Just above is Maura and the kids getting some lunch from a hot dog vendor off Wilshire.  It was a fun day.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Pasadena (2006)

JJ took these photos with my Olympus point-and-shoot camera on Sept. 25, 2006.  Below is Sam messing around with Maura in the kitchen in Pasadena.  Notice the perspective of the shots from a little person (JJ was 6 at the time) perspective.
 That night we went to President Thai on Rosemead Blvd to celebrate Norman's birthday.  Sam is shown looking over the menu with Maura.
 And finally, Maura trying to get out of the crazy President Thai parking lot.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Bird (2005)

Maura never missed out on any opportunity to give me the bird anytime, anyplace.

Monday, November 12, 2012

JJ's Birthday Cake (2005)

I don't remember taking this photo but the top one shows Maura in the background with JJ in front of his birthday cake.  Note the red cut JJ had in his forehead, so this must have been after we got back from Yosemite.  JJ slipped on some ice in the valley and hit his forehead.  As typical, Maura would make sure to bake a cake to celebrate birthdays.